Profit Recap For The Week of December 5th, 2016

Profit Recap for Week Ending
Saturday, December 10, 2016

What a stellar week. Although we only published two Launch lists this week, we had several  interplanetary launches (>20%), translunar launches (>5%)  among our winners. Some of the Launched stocks were on our list from a couple of weeks ago, which shows the importance of keeping some sort of price alert system.  The performance of our Daily Launch List has been nothing but impressive.  A big factor of course is that we have a major rally underway which makes the odds of making excellent profits so high.  We hope you enjoy the information we provide.

Here are the results for our launch list for the week of December 5th, 2016.  Profit was Launched on :


Loss on $ENZ $GLUU

Highest Profit: 226%

Lowest Profit: 2%

Maximum Loss: -4%

Accuracy: 86%

Recap Image